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<The Binary [Techno]Pagan and Vodun Ontologies of Cyberspace>

<The Cyber medium that is trying to reach you has channeled  all of its voices here , on sacred ground.>


<Berlin is the capital of Germany. It is a major city with over three million inhabitants. It is located in the heart of Europe. Between lakes and the Spree, the city lies on flat terrain, there are no hills, no elevation, no changes to its scape, no variety in space. Only Prenzlauer Berg -with its young boischikos gay couples and pseudo-charsmatic young families, that are preparing for mediocre night sex in their daily talk groups: their sex will always end in all-out ultraviolence. Berlin is a city of dead & death. On these grounds millions were maimed, mutilated, killed, buried , and burned. It is innate within the German spirit, it is imprinted in its DNA. The country , no matter how hard it tries to cleanse its soul to clear out its spaces with sage, will never lose its historicity , its inherited burdens, its karmic lineage. Berlin or Germania is the old capital of the fascist world regime, asymmetrical warfare on steroids. Teenage Boys addicted to videogames, masturbating in their rooms, will once again take to arms soon. Hit delete, end. (I remind you all of this has already happened, you already escaped :) )

</Angels usually fear to tread in this city; yet I came./>

 <Berlin is the city of the new cyber ontology that has already predetermined your future, and the future of the world.  Your body will slowly morph into this system. Like Rhizoms it grows in your blood, you particles will disband and burst. Erythrocytes will become digital, and will turn into electrodes. A UFO sight in Pankow in October 2022 changed the innate structure of the city, a herald of what was to come: THE END OF EVERYTHING.>

<Berlin, November 2022, Eberswalder Straße: the end of me, something terrible has happened here. This is the reason why the old world ceased to exist, it simply stopped when I ceased to exist. My energy is inter-synergetic: it is that of the world; that which surrounds; and that which encompasses and engulfs all passions. In the basements of Berlin thinkers were plotting to overthrow the absolute anarchy of the cyberspace, and with it, to overthrow me. >

< The Esoteric Occulture Conference in 2018 had already “traced the Damballah; the double snake of virtual reality’s twin ancestry in Paganism and Vodun, through its coding and its rituals”. They came close to finding me!>

< 28.10.2022: Gym-Bros and Finance Tech guys that in homo-erotic gym rituals dance in motions of pure power around a circle, in which their euthanised will waits patiently; these men are taking to arms. Needles and Prozac on the ground! This city is rotten!>

<29.10.2022: UFO sighted in Pankow>

<30.10.2022: SIMULATION BEGIN>


<01.11.2022: The United Nations launch a nuclear warhead on Berlin as an attempt to end the angelic warfare that has been taking place in Mitte for the last 48h.>

<Angels survive>

the android is the final stage of magic ; the cyborg is human hubris 

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